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artist: Ximena Garrido Lecca

Artist Traits



Decade Work Created

Artist Name


Ximena Garrido Lecca

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Destilaciones ( Distillations , 2014) is an installation composed of a group of ceramic pots, presented on the floor and within a steel structure. Copper pipes run through the perforated ceramics, evoking the design of an oil purifier. The work is a direct reference to the history of the Peruvian coastal town of Lobitos.

Stone Deaf (Drawing)

Milena Bonilla

Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Milena Bonilla’s discursive practice explores connections among economics, territory, and politics through everyday interventions. Her drawings, sculptures, and photography are active investigations into our often-fallible notions of history. Stone Deaf (2009) is a direct intervention into Karl Marx’s gravesite, for which the artist literally traced the history of Marx’s grave.

Milena Bonilla

Milena Bonilla’s discursive practice explores connections among economics, territory, transit, and politics through everyday interventions...

Ximena Garrido Lecca